5 days of Protests at Lake Royale – Video + WRAL

What caused the protests?  
Be sure to read these articles:

  1. Send in the clowns
  2. POA Office Incident Leading to the Chiefs firing

Protest Videos

Board members Steve Ragaglia, Missy Atkins, Ray Grimes, Phil Ackler and Noreen Gordon arrive in the middle of the Jr Police Camp and terminate the Chief

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State Police Traffic Stop

Diminishing Resources: What is the Future of LRPD?

The LRPOA Covenants include a ‘Lake Royale Police Company,’ and our current Board of Directors (BOD) is exploring various options regarding the department’s future. Responses from board members have been inconsistent, with discussions ranging from disbanding the LRPD, increasing staffing, bringing in outside agencies or security guards, to even rumors

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Lake Royale Police Department – No More?

Since there are rumors swirling about the BOD getting rid of our LRPD, and while I can’t comment on the validity of rumors, I was able to meet with a local police chief to assess the feasibility of this potential change. The following article is information I received during our

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Silenced by the system. A young blonde woman looking shocked with duct tape covering her mouth.

Mary Shepherds story of BOD Retaliation

When Mary and her husband moved to Lake Royale in September 2019, Mary was concerned about the financial stability of the POA and the lack of financial reporting. But committee meetings were only quarterly (and not always each quarter) and it took some time for her to join the committee.

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Great white

BOD Retaliation against Tom Lafave

Tom ran for a position on the Board of Directors in 2023 against Steve Ragaglia because many residents of the community asked him to run. After the election and Tom’s loss, he found out through social media that he was removed as Chair of the Board of Adjustment and as

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