Gabe Fanara, Still Interim Police Chief

Gabe Fanara became Interim Police Chief on January 2, 2024. I know that usually there is a probationary period of time prior to being offered a formal contract in many businesses. As of this writing, May 17, 2024, Interim Police Chief Fanara has not received any contract. He is continuing to work exceedingly long hours and is working diligently to keep the officers that currently work in the Lake Royale Police Department without having them leave the department.


I know that officers have left the Lake Royale Police Department because of their lack of benefits. They do not have a pension plan or a 401K plan.


Initial costs for a 401(k) can be between $500 and $3,000. However, the LRPD might be able to offset those costs with tax credits. The ‍Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act entitles eligible employers to claim a tax credit of up to $5,000 for three years to cover plan setup costs.


In 401(k) plans the LRPD would match part of the money the officers would put in, up to a certain amount. The most common partial match provided by employers is 50% of what you put in, between 4% and 6% of your salary. In other words, the LRPD would match half of whatever the officers contribute … but no more than 3% of your salary total.


A LRPD vehicle was put up for sale to raise money for life saving bullet proof vests for the LRPD. The vehicle was sold and the money placed in the General Account. Interim Chief Fanara wanted to purchase the life-saving bullet proof vests for his officers but no action has yet to be taken on this purchase by the Board of Directors.


How important is the Lake Royale Police Department to you? Do you want to have our officers continue to arrest drug dealers in our community (yes, we have them). Do you want to have our police officers continue to write tickets for those that are breaking the law? Do you want to have our police officers continue to check your vacant home while you are away? Do you want to continue to have our officers respond to emergencies within our community?


Lake Royale Company Police Officers have the same powers and responsibilities as do local police and sheriff’s departments. They are no different in their responsibilities other than the fact that they receive NO BENEFITS that all other police departments receive.


What are we as residents going to do about this? Continue to let the Board of Directors ignore the Lake Royale Police Department? Residents, please take some action and ask why we do not have a regular Police Chief.

Lorraine Ryan

Investigative Reporter – LakeRoyaleWatch

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