Honest Attempt, Or Lip Service?

Anyone who has attended, either in person or via zoom, more than one Board of Directors meeting in the last few years will recall being repeatedly told that this is “…the most transparent Board ever.”  They will also likely recall being told how hard the Board works to communicate with the property owners and how much property owner’s input is desired. Are those statements factual, or are they only lip-service, with no real desire for open communication or input? You decide.

A case in point is the published agenda for the Board’s May 2024 meeting. Item A, under New Business, states:

  1.    Recommended Changes to Rules and Regulations Article 2 – Rhonda Folks

             Includes changes to Roads and POA Property, Disposal of Garbage, Refuse, Waste and Debris,   Encroachment on POA Property, Maintenance on Lot and Non-conforming Situations.


The LRPOA Rules & Regulations control many aspects of living within Lake Royale. Accordingly, it is extremely important that each property owner understands the documents to ensure that they are complying. That being the case, it would seem equally important for property owners to be made aware of, and have the opportunity to comment on, any proposed changes to the Rules & Regulations. Since Item A, as referenced above, is on the agenda it is likely that the Board intends to vote on approving those changes to the Rules and Regulations. But what are the actual changes that are being voted on? Can anyone reading Item A tell me what the proposed changes being voted on are? I certainly cannot. 

These are all changes to the Rules & Regulations that have been proposed by the Building Committee and vetted through the By-laws and Covenants Committee. By virtue of having attended the By-laws and Covenants Committee’s May meeting I am aware that there are ten (10) sections of Article 2 that are being proposed to be changed. Had I not attended that meeting I, like most property owners, would have no idea what changes are being proposed.

Does this sound like a Board that works hard for transparency, effective communication, and input from property owners? You decide! 

Jerry Mote

Guest Writer

BIO: "Jerry Mote holds a BS degree from the University of Tennessee and an MBA from Averitt University. He has been a property owner in Lake Royale since 2014. After 6 years of service as an Infantry Officer in the US Army Jerry had a 42-year career in private industry, having been a small-business owner, manager, international business consultant and a corporate CEO. Since coming to Lake Royale Jerry has been an active member of the community by serving on the By-laws and Covenants Committee, the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors. Jerry is a member of AMVETS Post 201. "

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