BOD Retaliation against Tom Lafave

Tom ran for a position on the Board of Directors in 2023 against Steve Ragaglia because many residents of the community asked him to run. After the election and Tom’s loss, he found out through social media that he was removed as Chair of the Board of Adjustment and as a member of the committee.

By the way, Tom chose not to speak out on social media when all of this occurred last year because he didn’t want to appear to be a “sore loser”. He felt that this was the time though because of many other residents being removed from committees.
Tom Lafave had been a member of the Board of Adjustment when the current Chair (Ed Smith) decided to leave and no one rose to the occasion so Tom said that he would take on the Chair position. Phil Ackler later joined the BOA.

Steve came to see Tom on the Sunday after the board election and apologized that no one had told Tom that he was removed from the BOA and the Chair of it. Steve’s explanation of his removal from the BOA was that “the BOD felt that he would not fit in the direction that the Board was going.” Tom told Steve that he was “about the community and even though they felt that he would not fit in, he would be watching the Board and the direction that they were going in.”

When one of the Board Members (Lance Carlson) decided to leave the Board, Tom thought that he would be asked to be on the Board because he had run but did not receive enough votes to win. He was still the runner up for a position in Multi Use. Lance Carlson messaged Tom and stated that “we don’t replace Board members by going to those that had run for the Board but had not been elected. We haven’t done that for 3 years.” That was a bold face lie since Tom knew of other candidates that had run, lost and were asked to replace Board members that resigned within the last three years. All respect for Lance Carlson ended with that lie.

Phil Ackler met face-to-face with Tom and told him that the reason he voted to have him removed as Chair and from the BOA was because he didn’t like the way Tom was running the BOA. Tom explained to Phil that no one wanted to accept the Chair position. Tom realized that he did not know every one of Robert’s Rules of Order or perhaps he didn’t ask about motions and seconds but when homeowners came to speak at the BOA, Tom “went by the book”. Phil had every opportunity to ask to take over as Chairman if he thought that he could do better. Tom would have gladly given up the position.

Tom asked me what has happened to respect and professionalism at Lake Royale. Why aren’t the “volunteers” that were removed from committees asked to come before the BOD and be told in person why they are being removed and face the people that removed them? I personally would have liked to have had the opportunity to find out how my thoughts for the community were different than the Board. No one on this board had ever had a conversation about this subject. The BOA and BOD have no interactions so it would have nothing to do with that. The board members should be held to a standard of respect for those that, like them, have given of their time to volunteer for the community that they love.

Wake up board and do the right thing.

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