Troubling patterns emerge from my interview of POA candidates

Troubling patterns emerge from my interview of POA candidates

During the recent candidate interviews for the Board of Directors, a concerning narrative unfolded, shedding light on some deeply troubling ethical lapses within our current board. Allow me to share a glimpse of what unfolded during these interviews.

It was a member of the interview committee who, knowing that the candidate, me, also sat on the Board of Adjustments, raised a question about the fair application of rules to all members of our community. The interviewer disclosed that he had been targeted by the Compliance Officer, receiving four citations. Shockingly, he revealed that a board member had intervened on his behalf, resulting in the citations being dropped. Such favoritism not only breaches ethical standards but also undermines the integrity of our community governance.

I voiced my strong opposition to this improper interference, emphasizing the importance of transparent and equitable processes. Had his citations made it to the BOA he would have been given ample time, as is the very fair policy of the BOA chairperson, to rectify the situation before fines were levied. Failing that he then had the option of presenting his issue to the whole BOD for a vote. Every member, regardless of their position, should be subject to the same standards and procedures. It’s worth noting that this concerning incident was brought up during the Resident’s Remarks at the conclusion of the March Board meeting. Yet, disappointingly, there has been no further acknowledgment or action from the Board.

The issue doesn’t end there.

Recently, a disturbing letter surfaced, alleging improprieties in the handling of eight POA properties, which were sold at prices significantly below their market value. At the April board meeting, the acting president attempted to brush off concerns about the ethicality of these transactions. However, the letter exposed a troubling pattern: the eight properties were sold to the interviewer referenced above.
These revelations paint a troubling picture of cronyism and ethical misconduct within our board. It’s abundantly clear that a change is long overdue. As members of this community, we deserve leadership that upholds the highest ethical standards and prioritizes the interests of all residents.

It’s time for us to come together and demand accountability and transparency from our elected representatives. Let’s stand united in our call for change and ensure that our community is governed
with integrity and fairness.

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