Integrity in leadership

Integrity in leadership

Last Thursday evening, the community gathered for an insightful Meet and Greet session, where candidates running for board seats engaged in vibrant discussions on various issues affecting our neighborhood. From the matter of wonton timbering of lots to concerns about the retention rates within our police department due to lack of benefits, the topics were diverse and thought-provoking.

However, amidst these discussions, one overarching theme emerged: integrity in leadership. It’s disheartening to hear whispers about board members who vote simply to “go along to get along” and then express regret in private conversations. This mentality is hypocritical and ultimately betrays the trust of the voters who supported their candidacy. Regardless of what’s said behind closed doors, the public record reflects their support for these decisions.

I firmly believe that true leadership requires transparency, accountability, and the courage to stand by one’s convictions, even when it’s unpopular. It’s refreshing to encounter individuals who embody these principles, like the person, who in our first encounter would be safe to say was less than enamored, re-engaged me in a meaningful conversation about important community matters. Their integrity shines brightly amidst the shadows of “going along” for the sake of convenience.

As we move forward, let’s remember the importance of holding our leaders accountable and prioritizing integrity in every decision. Our community deserves nothing less.

An advisor of mine likes to quote founding father stuff from the 1700’s. A little more current I like John Mellencamp “you’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything. You’ve got to be your own man, not a puppet on a string”.

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