Actions have consequences, it’s time to face the music

It’s been several weeks since the Board of Directors made the decision to terminate the Interim Police Chief on June 10, 2024. Let us reflect on the accomplishments made by the Police Department and its Chief since taking over the reins on January 2,2024. A new direction and vision for the department was set into motion and implemented under Interim Chief Fanara. The mission statement was presented on January 7, 2024, highlighting this phrase, “Committed to Excellence”.


LRPD Mission Statement

“The mission of the Lake Royale Company Police Department is to safeguard our community by upholding the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and compassion. Committed to fostering a safe and secure environment, we strive to build trust through transparency, collaboration, and community engagement.”

The vision for the Police Department was laid out for the officers. The message was simple, in everything we do and say, these core values guide our decisions, actions, and interactions daily. By embracing honesty, trust, commitment, and service as the pillars of our department, we aim to foster a culture of integrity, accountability, and community partnership that reflects our unwavering dedication to public safety.

Officers came together that day with a new desire and commitment to serving their community. The direction was set. Officers began taking on new roles in the department, handling more internal administration tasks, helping revamp policies and training procedures for newly hired officers. Recruitment was energized and new promotional flyers and videos were created by Interim Chief Fanara and his staff that showcased and highlighted the Lake Royale Community as a great place to work. The Department rolled out a newly designed Police Patch designed by InterimChief Fanara. This new patch was a symbol and staple of the lake. The social media page on Facebook was redesigned along with a brand-new website. Chief Fanara implemented a new uniform that was cost effective and professional while maintaining functionality. One area Interim Chief Fanara addressed was the outdated gear and equipment of the officers. The current ballistic vest worn by the officers needed to be replaced. Instead of asking to increase the budget or ask for special funds, one of the police trucks that was not currently being used was sold to fund brand new gear and equipment and placed back in the Police Department’s budget to save for future purchases. 

With a small staff of four patrol officers (one day and mid-shift) and the Interim Chief, citizens began to notice more proactivity within the community. People began to say how they saw more visibility from officers, how the officers seemed happier and more energetic. Police Department statistics showed an increase in activity from officers such as Arrest, Drug Investigations leading to arrest, Property Investigations and Traffic Stops. 

Staff began to focus on community outreach and engagement opportunities for the community. Programs like Coffee with a Cop started back up, Donut Fundraisers for Jr. Police Camp, First Responders Appreciation Breakfast, Fallen Police Officer Candlelight Vigil, Collaborating with Lake Royale CERT with training and reorganization and Jr. Police Camp. One new program the department was working toward was the first ever Shop with a Cop, where officers take less fortunate families in the community shopping for Christmas providing them with clothes and toys all paid for by funds from officer’s fundraising.

There is more that can be said about the accomplishments of the department, but we highlighted the most important.

Board of Directors Decision to terminate the Chief

The question is simple, were the actions by the Chief so egregious that the BOD had no other option or recourse but to fire him? Did the BOD discuss the outcome or repercussion of this decision and weigh out their options?

The short answer is no. The outcome is now the Police Department has lost all three of its part-time officers and the three full-time officers remaining have accepted employment with other police departments. By design it would seem this was the plan all along by the BOD. 

So lets discuss the reasons stated by the BOD in Chief Fanara’s termination letter. 

REASON 1) Due to revealing Lake Royale Property Owners’ Association Inc’s confidential information on multiple occasions after being told not to do.


  • In the Sunday, June 9th meeting with Chief Fanara, Board President Ragaglia stated the reason for the above was “You posted confidential information on social media about a police incident.” The board was referring to a Facebook post on Sunday, April 21st regarding an individual seen on camera taking a scrap piece of plywood from a construction site.
  • Disclosing information to his staff about BOD 
Confidential Information - Definition

Confidential information refers to sensitive data or details that are meant to be kept private and not disclosed to unauthorized individuals. This type of information is often protected by laws, regulations, or agreements and is typically shared only on a need-to-know basis. Examples include personal data, business secrets, financial records, and proprietary research.

Chief Fanara’s personal Facebook Page was tagged by the creator of the post instead of the LRPD Facebook page. When Chief Fanara addressed the post it was with his personal Facebook page. The post screenshots have been attached for viewers.

Chief Fanara did not use the individual’s personal information involved in the incident. Chief Fanara stated the incident was being blown out of proportion and that the Police Department was handling the situation. Chief Fanara praised the teen for having the integrity to come forward and take responsibility for his actions before the Police Department was ever notified about the incident. The Chief stated the individual was charged with a misdemeanor. The Chiefs second response to the post was addressing misinformation being stated by the community about the incident. At no time was any community member’s confidential information used or shared.



REASON 2) Unilaterally cancelling the Jr. Police Camp without prior notice or authorization from the Board of Directors.

  • Chief Fanara was notified on Sunday, June 9th at 5pm that the BOD had voted for him to resign and tenure his resignation by Friday, June 14th at the conclusion of Jr. Police Camp.
  • The BOD asked him to stay and finish out Jr. Police Camp which he agreed to do so.
  • On Monday, June 10th at 5:30am, Chief met with his officers at the police department to inform them of the BOD decision for him to resign by Friday.
  • Officers were heartbroken and the decision was made to cancel the camp in order to allow time for transition of leadership and responsibilities.
  • A letter was typed up and handed to each parent informing them of the cancellation of the camp.
  • The camp proceeded on Monday at 8am with twenty-eight children and ten volunteers from the community.
  • By 10am, BOD members began to arrive to the Clubhouse after being notified by parents of the cancellation of camp.
  • BOD members asked to speak with Chief Fanara while the camp was in session. Chief Fanara calmly asked the BOD members to come back after the camp to discuss details as this not the time or place to do this.
  • BOD members left the clubhouse but remained in the parking lot outside. Shortly after, several more BOD members showed up and approached Chief Fanara for a second time. 
  • Once again, Chief Fanara calmly advised them this was not the time or place to do this, and he would make himself available at the conclusion of the camp.
  • All BOD members left the Clubhouse and remained outside in the parking lot.
  • By 10:26am, the BOD President placed a call to 911 Dispatchers requesting Deputies to respond to the Lake because the Police Chief needs to be removed and we need protection because this won’t be an easy removal.
  • Volunteers helping with the camp were witnesses of the interactions with the BOD and Chief Fanara.
  • The accounts by volunteers state that at no time was Chief Fanara ever placing the children or community in danger or at risk.
  • Chief Fanara did not have his badge or duty weapon while conducting camp.
  • Chief Fanara was busy leading the camp and assisting with demonstrations and lectures.
  • When LRPD Officers informed Chief Fanara that the BOD President terminated him and wanted him removed from the property, Chief Fanara willingly left.
  • As Chief Fanara was leaving the premise with another Officer, two BOD members stood in front of the vehicle and demanded that Chief Fanara remain on scene because he was being detained until Deputies could arrive.
  • LRPD Officers informed the BOD members that Chief Fanara has not committed a crime and would not be detained.
  • Chief Fanara and LRPD Officers exited the vehicle and left in a volunteer’s personal vehicle.

REASON 3) Failing to respond to a disturbance on POA premises after being instructed to do so.

These are the facts that led the BOD to terminate Chief Fanara on Monday, June 10th

We fast forward several weeks to now. The Police Department has had all of its part-time employees quit and the remaining three full-time employees have accepted employment at other police agencies. 

The Officers stated due to the actions of the board, the lack of support and respect for its Chief and Police Department, and the insufficient benefits for its employees led the officers to seek employment elsewhere. 

Currently, the department remains extremely understaffed.

Lorraine Ryan

Investigative Reporter – BODWatch

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Police officer is seen putting out a fire, equipped with protective gear and a fire extinguisher

Actions have consequences, it’s time to face the music

It’s been several weeks since the Board of Directors made the decision to terminate the Interim Police Chief on June 10, 2024. Let us reflect on the accomplishments made by the Police Department and its Chief since taking over the reins on January 2,2024. A new direction and vision for

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State Police Traffic Stop

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The LRPOA Covenants include a ‘Lake Royale Police Company,’ and our current Board of Directors (BOD) is exploring various options regarding the department’s future. Responses from board members have been inconsistent, with discussions ranging from disbanding the LRPD, increasing staffing, bringing in outside agencies or security guards, to even rumors

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