Conflict Regarding 1st Choice Contract and 107 Ottawa Lot

Conflict Regarding 1st Choice Contract and 107 Ottawa Lot

See update on this story here:


At the February Board meeting, a concerned resident inquired as to why the lot on 107 Ottawa, which was owned by the LRPOA, was listed for sale by the Board Chair’s real estate company on 2/6/24 for $55,000 since a moratorium had been placed on the sale of POA lots in the fall of 2023 by the Board. The Board Chair and Board President both responded that the Ottawa lot was in exchange for an “unbuildable” lot adjacent to the dump that 1st Choice had chosen under the specifics of the contract.

After this was brought to the community’s attention, this listing was removed on 3/12/24 from MLS however, at the March Board meeting, the Board President announced that all legal paperwork for the listing was now complete and the swap was a done deal. At this same meeting, another concerned resident pointed out that this swap was really a gift to 1st Choice, not a swap. The resident went on to explain that the POA was under no legal, ethical, or moral obligation to swap one lot for another. 

He read the applicable contract sentence that stated: “Should a lot be determined not to be buildable due to inability to secure a septic permit, building permit or other necessary approval to construct a home of the size and/or type contemplated by the terms …., such lot shall be conveyed back to Seller for no consideration, free and clear of any liens or encumbrances, in substantially the same condition as when acquired by Buyer.

What is important for everyone to know is the property at 172 Shawnee is a single, 0.34 acre lot with a 2023 tax value of $5,040. The lot that it was swapped for is a double, .68 acre lot, which, on 4/25/24, and was relisted by the Board Chair’s real estate agency for $55,000. The location of both lots is drastically different as well. One is a busy thoroughfare adjacent to the dump, while the other is a quiet, side street.

As of the date of this writing, the Board still has not addressed the conflict regarding this swap. Why would our Board gift this prime lot when we have absolutely no obligation to do so? We all need to be alarmed by this. This could, potentially, be nearly a $50,000 loss to the POA. It is important to note that the Board Chair’s real estate company is the listing company for all the 1st Choice lots that they obtained from the LRPOA through this contract. Who is setting the values for properties sold or transferred? Who is overseeing the 1st Choice Contract?
Please view the contract for yourself.

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