Welcome to ....

B.O.D Watch

Lake Royales electronic newspaper
for reporting on our LR Board of Directors


B.O.D Watch Goals

Our objective is to diligently monitor and document the actions of the Lake Royale Board of Directors over time, providing an unbiased and factual account of their decisions and activities. It is essential to ensure transparency and accountability within our community governance.

Many residents of Lake Royale lack sufficient information about the activities of our Board of Directors, leading to a lack of engagement and understanding. This status quo must be transformed. A well-informed community is a powerful one, and the strength of our Lake community relies on the active participation and awareness of its members.

As property owners association (POA) members, we entrust our Board of Directors with the responsibility of representing our interests. Our initiative is spearheaded by our new “Investigative Reporter,” Lorraine Ryan, supported by dedicated POA members committed to shedding light on the actions of our elected officials. Stay tuned for regular updates and share them with fellow residents to foster a more informed and engaged community.

  • Transparency
  • Communication
  • Community Involvement
  • Ethics
  • Integrity

Have information to share?
Contact our Reporter

*** All information and sources will be kept strictly confidential.