Lake Royale Police Department – No More?

Since there are rumors swirling about the BOD getting rid of our LRPD, and while I can’t comment on the validity of rumors, I was able to meet with a local police chief to assess the feasibility of this potential change. The following article is information I received during our in person meeting.
I asked about the possibility of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office taking over the Lake Royale Police Department and eliminating the LRPD.
Franklin County is divided into various zones that the Sheriff’s Office patrols. Each zone has a zone officer responsible for his/her zone. Currently, we are in zone 2 and if the LRPD is eliminated, a sheriff’s deputy could not just be responsible for patrolling within Lake Royale and The River. 
The deputy would still be responsible for patrolling ALL of zone 2. We would not have individual coverage, just for the residents of Lake Royale, since that is not permitted.  The Lake would be considered the same as any other unincorporated area within the county.
The only way we could receive individual coverage is if the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office decides to create a separate zone for Lake Royale. They would also have to go before the Franklin County Commissioners for additional money to patrol the new zone. Lake Royale could then contract with the Sheriff’s Department to patrol Lake Royale 24/7.  But this would only happen if the Sheriff agreed to do this.
This process would not be an easy one and would take many months to implement, if at all. 
Is this what the residents of Lake Royale want? One officer patrolling Lake Royale every day? Significantly increasing response times? No community involvement? No outreach or individual events with the Sheriff’s Department like we  now have with the LRPD such as: Coffee With a Cop, Summer Police Cadet Camp for children, Christmas parade &  gift giveaway for Lake Royale residents children, working with CERT team on events held in the community, Trunk ‘n Treat, partaking in Recreation Committee events and new this holiday season, Shop With a Cop. Polar Plunge fundraiser. 
Since many people in our community have voiced concern about any changes to our LRPD, why hasn’t the BOD provided clear communication on the issue, answered POA member questions, and sought community input?

Supporting video of LRPD

“LRPD distributing donated gifts to the children of Lake Royale last Christmas”.  (Permission to use video granted)

Lorraine Ryan

Investigative Reporter – LakeRoyaleWatch

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