Non-Payment of Dues

Non-Payment of Dues

ADDITIONAL THOUGHTS CONCERNING NON PAYMENT OF DUES…. I believe that the list of owners that have not paid their dues should be of public record. 

State and local governments always publish non payment of taxes in our newspaper and online. Lake Royale should follow this process too. (Royale Reporter) I would assume that a large majority of delinquent owners don’t actually live here and maybe have abandoned their property. 

But there also may be some folks that actually do live here or use their property occasionally. Would a little public embarrassment nudge a few to start paying delinquent dues? Maybe? At a minimum we should at least be posting in the Royale Reporter the delinquent address and amount owed. (name of resident could be included or left out?) 

Understanding that any folks that are on a payment plan or at least making an effort to pay would be excluded. We need to start getting tough on this issue!!!!

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