Retaliation Strikes Again

The investigative reporter for BOD Watch – me, Lorraine Ryan, has joined the ranks of the many Lake Royale residents who were on committees and were removed from their various positions for invalid reasons.


I have been removed from The Welcome Committee, the Protect Our Lake Committee and the Building Committee. This has been done because “I was an investigative reporter on an unofficial website. Although we understand your right of free speech, spreading false statements about the board is unacceptable.”.  No evidence for their claim was supplied. This was in the letter that was emailed to me that I received from the Board President, Steve Ragaglia.


I have two questions:

  1. Why is the Board of Directors deeming this as an “unofficial” website? What difference does it make to the Board of Directors if factual information is posted? Are they nervous that people will actually question the validity of the articles and determine that what is written is true, not false?
  2. So the Board determines what is false and what is true? I reported exactly what the interviewees told me. I did not add anything to my stories. The printed story was accurate as to their telling me the issues that they experienced.


Yes, there is a right of free speech that every American is entitled to. The First Amendment of the Constitution states that we are entitled to have freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition.

It allows people to express their opinion openly and without fear, except of course in the community of Lake Royale!

There are limitations on the right of free speech. The main such categories are incitement, defamation, fraud, obscenity, child pornography, fighting words, and threats. Did I use any of these in the articles that I wrote? You be the decision maker and determine what is true and what is false.

Attend the Board of Directors meetings, ask questions of the board members, email questions to board members and take a part in how our community is being run.

Vote in the upcoming election since each and every vote counts. Change can only come about by electing board members who want to work honestly and openly for our community.

Lorraine Ryan

Investigative Reporter – LakeRoyaleWatch

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