Send In the Clowns

Send In the Clowns

Stephen Sondheim once wrote, “But where are the clowns? Send in the clowns. Don’t bother, they’re here.” This song popped up on my playlist while I was working in the yard this week, and I couldn’t help but think how fitting it is for the recent events at Lake Royale. With all respect to Sondheim, I’m adopting it as the theme for this blog.

Our duly elected but utterly incompetent Board of Directors chose the week of the Junior Police Camp to confront the police chief and attempt to have him removed by the county sheriff, right in front of the children attending the camp. This ill-conceived action led to the cancellation of the camp, a cherished program that many parents rely on for their children’s education and entertainment. Regardless of the specifics, it is undeniable that the board’s actions set the cancellation in motion. The Lake Royale Property Owners Association (LRPOA) issued a letter of apology on Thursday, four days after their blunder, and only after a community uproar and an outpouring of support for the chief.

Ill-Advised Actions

The board claimed the chief was being removed for “insubordination.” I would like to hear exactly what that insubordination entailed. Allegedly, three board members strode into the chief’s office on Friday, June 7th, and issued ultimatums, warning that his communications with “certain” community members would not end well. The president later reportedly called an emergency board meeting, during which a motion to terminate the chief’s employment was supposedly passed. Although the vote was said to be unanimous, several members advised delaying any action until after the camp. The president ignored this advice and demanded the chief’s resignation on Sunday. Social media has been abuzz about what transpired in this meeting. The key issue here is the board’s disregard for advice and their inhumane conduct.

There is a pervasive level of incompetence in how this board operates, stemming from general ignorance and inexperience, and unfortunately, also rooted in narcissism. They consistently act irrationally rather than with caution and transparency. The POA’s letter feels disingenuous and does nothing to prevent future calamities. The board has yet to address many other issues, including property transfers that have been repeatedly raised at meetings. They persist in silencing anyone with differing opinions, ostensibly acting on behalf of the membership they repeatedly insult and harangue.

I chose to run for a seat on the board to mitigate these issues, believing the election process could bring about needed change. But this latest incident is so egregious, and with too many sycophants involved, that relying solely on the slow process of elections is no longer viable. A movement, initiated by a camper’s parent, is underway to remove the board members responsible for Monday’s fiasco—a movement I now wholeheartedly support.

Regarding the Alleged Insubordination

The BOD had met with the Franklin County Sheriff’s department on May 20th. On May 22nd, the Chief was asked to supply departmental statistics and asset documentation to the BOD. On June 3rd, the BOD met with the Chief stating they “wanted to be transparent with what they were doing.” It is speculated that the board decided to terminate the chief because he communicated with his officers and gave an interview to Lorraine Ryan, the reporter for this website, which divulged nothing about the county proceedings (See BOD Watch). This interview occurred three days before the meeting with the Sheriff’s department. Apparently, transparency is a one-way street for this board. I have previously addressed this issue following the dismissal of volunteers from committees for merely expressing their opinions (see “Censorship and Retaliation in Lake Royale“).
Let’s hold our board accountable and strive for a community where transparency, competence, and respect are the cornerstones of governance.

Petition referenced in this article

Video of BOD members confronting the Chief at Jr Police Camp.

Protest Videos

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