Water issues

Water issues

WATER ISSUES ….. Well, here we go again, no water for many in our neighborhood. This has been an ongoing issues for years but currently has been increased by the amount of new homes built and poor maintenance by our water utility . 

We all realize that our plumbing infrastructure is old and failing and is only going to get worse as we grow and time goes by, but what can really be done to fix the issue? Redbird is not going to voluntarily take on the replacement of our lines and equipment due to the tremendous cost. Just like we could not force Duke Power to bury all our power lines. They own all the lines and they decide what is done and not done. 

That means we will continue to have water issues and be at the mercy of our old pipes well into the future. So how committed would we all be to team with Redbird? ( Maybe split costs or contribute a negotiated amount) and start to upgrade the system. 

Now I don’t have any idea of the cost of a project such as this, but I think it should be investigated to understand what our options could be. Something like this would mean a special assessment or increase in our dues for a certain timeframe. 

Now, I know that no one want to pay more in dues, (I sure don’t) but if we don’t this problem will probably never get fixed. , In my opinion we do not have many options and we should be talking with Redbird to see if this could even be done or would they even be receptive to it. 

We can all sit back and do nothing and live with these water outages that will become more frequent, or start talking about how we can possibly fix the issue. This conversation has to be initiated by the BOD.

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